Friday, November 30, 2012

Is An Extended Warranty Better Than iPad 2 Insurance?

I know a lot of people that would not take iPad 2 insurance even it was offered free. They do trust third party vendors and would rather pay for an extended factory warranty. Here are a few differences that you may not know that could sway your decision one way or the other.

An Extended Warranty Is Not Insurance

At a quick glance, the extended warranty and insurance appear to be the same thing. Do not be fooled though. They are similar and may overlap a little, but they are definitely different beasts.

The factory extended warranty mostly covers manufacturing defects. If your iPad stops working or overheats, this is the type of thing a warranty will cover. If you read the terms and conditions, they also will cover SOME physical or liquid damage but you are required to pay a deductible in that case.

The main perk to the extended warranty is the software support by phone. Third party vendors just cannot touch this type of offering. To me, this is the biggest advantage they have over third party iPad 2 insurance.

Does iPad Insurance Have Any Advantage

On the flip side, third party insurance will provide coverage that a warranty will not such as against theft or loss. Going back to the terms and conditions document, the factory warranty specifically states that they do not cover theft or loss of the device. Basically if you can't send them back something to work on, they won't cover it.

Another advantage of insurance is coverage while traveling. The factory warranty is only valid in the country in which it was purchased. If you plan to travel for business or pleasure and take your iPad with you, you should get some kind of third party insurance to cover your device.

How About Cost

When you compare the cost of the two plans, in most cases I think you will find they are priced very similarly. The extended warranty is only offered as a two year commitment though whereas insurance can be paid for on a month to month basis. Again, it goes back to your individual needs as to which would be better for you.

If you plan to keep your device for a long time and want to make sure you won't get stuck buying a new one due to a defect, I would go with the extended factory warranty. You will get protection from workmanship problems, phone support for your software problems, and even some protection against physical or liquid damage to your device.

If you plan to travel, iPad 2 insurance is really your best option. You don't want something to happen and find out that because you weren't at home that you are now stuck with a broken device and have to buy a new one. The plans are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased on a month to month basis.

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A Guide on How To Get the Best Coverage for Your Home

Your home is one of the most important investments and having it insured is without a doubt one of the best things that you should consider. However, you must be sure that the insurance coverage that you get is the best and will help keep you protected all through.

To get the best coverage for your home is not a simple task and especially if you don't have the necessary information and tools to help you do this. You will however get some great policies out there which could help you protect your home from the unforeseeable risks which might wipe out your hard earned investment within a few minutes. With the different insurance quotes on offer, getting to compare different service providers is easy and will help you trace the best deals in the market. You must however decide on what exactly it is that you want and the kind of policy you are interested in as this will make your search easier and faster.

Tips that will help in your search

The first thing that you must do it to establish how much your home is really worth. This can be done by getting an appraisal or seeking for replacement cost for the home from a home builder. This will help you in knowing what you should pay for the home insurance policy.

It will also be good to compare different insurance quotes and choose the one that best suits your needs. However, never go for a policy simply because it is cheap as this could turn out to be an expensive affair at the end of the day. The online price comparison quotes are ideal in helping you trace the best insurance company with the best deals possible. You must be able to look for a company that has a high rate of customer satisfaction and that gives quality services at considerate prices. This will mean looking for a company that has a clean record for claim settlement.

You must also be able to decide whether you intend to insure the house alone or would want to include the items and valuables within. This will mean paying higher premiums but could be helpful at the end of the day especially if your valuables are worth a fortune to you.

You should also consider raising the insurance deductibles and looking for discounts as this could help you in saving a good amount of money. Discounts are normally available if homes are installed with deadbolts or security systems and this could be one of the best ways to keep your insurance cost down. Insurance companies might also give you good discounts if you combine your insurance needs under one company.

It is also important to get the replacement value coverage for your home coverage is you want to get the best. Different insurance experts will advise on this and it is worth taking it into mind. Instead of picking a market value coverage for your home, the replacement value will be better off as it will enable you rebuild your home in case anything were to happen.

The above tips will be helpful when you need to make a decision for the best coverage for your home. With many options available in the market, taking advantage of the competition could bring you many benefits and save you money in the process.

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The Role of Personal Injury Lawyers

Personal injury lawyers are people who offer legal representation to victims who sustained injury either physically or mentally in an accident caused by an act of carelessness of someone else. They are also known as accident lawyer or accident attorney. Accident attorney have special knowledge in a type of law called tort law which deals with civil misconducts and damages caused to someone's assets, social standing and personal rights. It is necessary to know what to do at the appropriate time when accidents occur. In this article, a cursory look will be taken at the role of accident lawyers when you, your family members, colleagues are involved in an accident.

Personal injury lawyers help you to make claims when you sustained serious injuries during an accident. However, when employing an accident attorney, you must be sure that such a person is capable of handling your case effectively. One way to find out is by asking how many cases the lawyer has handled successfully. Accident lawyers must be vast when it comes to the application of tort laws so that they do not lose the case.

Personal injury lawyers assist people who sustained accidents to get claims for treatment especially in a case where there is an argument about who is to be blame in the accident and if the individuals involved in the accident sustained serious injuries. Though sometimes, when an accident happens like that, major internal injuries may not be evident until victims make repeated visits to their doctors. This is where follow up visits is required when victims sustained injuries.

People who sustained injuries in a car that is not insured or is under-insured, there will be a need to hire accident lawyers as fast as possible after the incident. This is because people who own such cars many not want to pay and there may be little time available to institute legal action against such drivers. Also, some insurance policies also made it mandatory for victims who sustained injuries in an uninsured vehicle to come to an agreeable point within 60 days after the accident. In this case, the injured person will need to employ the service of an accident attorney to help trash the case before the expired date.

However, accident victims will need to ask two important questions before hiring personal injury lawyers. The first one is to know whether they will be happy employing the services of an accident attorney or not. The second one is the settlement of the lawyer employed to handle the case. Most personal injury lawyers charge up to 25% of the settlement collected.

In conclusion, it is good to employ the services of personal injury lawyers when you sustained serious injuries in the course of an accident. This will enable you to claim back the money spent on medical treatments and car repairs where appropriate. There are many accident lawyers in Dallas who can offer exceptional services in the event of an accident.

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Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Mobile Phone Insurance?

You have a new cell phone plan and a brand new, expensive mobile phone. Because of your home and job locations, you have to get the best possible mobile phone insurance you can afford. How do you determine what coverage you need in your insurance for the money you have to pay for each monthly premium? How do you determine if you are getting a bargain or not? You shop, and the best place to do your shopping is online. Google mobile phone insurance, and you're on your way to the best insurance fit for you. Now, consider your coverage needs before your loss occurs.

Theft, Loss and Fraud

What do you do if you're walking through the city, the crowd jostles you around and someone steals your mobile phone from out of your hand while you're using it? You go to a pay phone or borrow a cell phone from a friend and call the police. You give the police a detailed description of your mobile phone, and you are thankful that you have activated your phone's GPS.

However, your phone does not show up, and worse, someone keeps racking up huge amounts of minutes on your phone. As hard as you try to show that the calls are fraudulent, your carrier still demands money before closing down the account.

Similar to theft, if you lose your phone and someone else picks it up, if they aren't honest, you could have a similar scenario as I described above.

Accidental or Liquid Damage

Any time you drop your phone, you risk internal damage, but the most damaging accident could be getting the phone wet. You need to be sure that your insurance covers your phone for damage, including immersion.

Overseas Coverage

If you travel overseas for work or pleasure, you need to be sure that your mobile phone insurance covers your phone for the areas you visit or work. Of course, such service is vital for military service members who must live abroad for many months at a time, but want to maintain local phone numbers for their families back home.

Shopping for That Perfect Policy

These are the major concerns of most insurance buyers, so as you shop, be sure to get at least enough mobile phone insurance to cover your prized 4G smartphone and protect it from them. You will have added apps to your smartphone library and taken many photos or videos with its digital camera/camcorder. Of course, you will not want to lose those, so check to see if any of the policies offer online backup of your files.

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iPhone 3GS Insurance - A Few Things To Be Aware Of When Owning An iPhone

If you own an iPhone 3GS, getting an insurance for it might be a very good idea. All of us have very busy lives nowadays and we often forget things. These things are keys, phones and money usually. In fact, phones are getting lost so often that some companies have started insuring them for those who want it. However, there are some things you can do to make sure that you won't need an iPhone 3GS insurance any time soon.

The Apple iPhone is pretty big, be it the later models or the newest ones. Their size and shape are pretty much their undoing. I too owned two models of the iPhone, the first one and this one, the 3GS. When I got the original iPhone, I had a hard time adjusting to it as I had a way smaller phone before it. I also started noticing how difficult it was to use it when walking and the sorts. I got the iPhone 3GS after I dropped my first one on the ground. That is why I came up with some tips on how to handle your iPhone so that you won't need to resort to an iPhone 3GS insurance.

1. As I was saying, I dropped my first phone because I was texting while walking. You can manage it if you use both hands, but even then. If you trip on something you will most like drop it. Getting a cover for it works because it won't be so slippery and it will also help if you do drop your phone. But it is best to just not text as you walk.

2. Since the iPhone is so big, it can easily be stolen from a pocket. I mostly wear jeans so it barely fits in the pockets. If you don't use a cover, it can slide right out of there without you feeling anything. If you do use a cover which will prevent it from sliding from your pocket, you will have trouble getting it out all the time. So try and put your iPhone 3GS in front pockets all the time or in pockets that close.

3. Don't leave your phone on the tables when going out at night. Since the screen is so shiny, it can camouflage on the table very easily in dark places and you will leave without it. It happened to me many times because I just didn't see it on the table when I took a quick look. Keep it in your pocket and have it vibrate if you want to know when you are being contacted.

These are just the things that I had to learn to be careful with. There are also other "dangers" out there so it is best to take precautions. After I got my iPhone 3GS, I kept feeling uneasy. I feared that if I dropped this phone too, I couldn't afford to replace it. I eventually gave in and just got an iPhone 3GS insurance. I am pretty sure that I won't need it if I am careful though.

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Importance of Property and Liability Insurance

Any business like any individual needs to get insured as there is always a risk of loss either intentional like miscreants raking havoc or unintentional like natural calamities. Business insurance is different from personal insurance in the aspect that while your residence may have assets, it doesn't have employees or machinery like a business house nor do residences have liabilities. So, it is important for a businessman to get those insured.

Business houses are not a standalone entity like your car or house. In most of the cases, business houses serve the public. That brings an expectation of responsible conduct to the business owner and their operations. Any disappointment, brought upon by the seeming lack of this conduct can lead to a lawsuit against the business house. No matter how well you plan, after all "to err is human" and even trivial apparent misconduct can bring a lawsuit against you. And if not insured, you may have to pay for the lawsuit from your own pocket.

The most basic type of business insurance covers basic areas of your business. The common example is commercial lines insurance. Many business houses go for this type of insurance. The other common type is professional liability insurance which is very helpful, especially if you are offering services to public. This second type of insurance is rather costly and is optional for business houses, offering products. Along with these two, most common policies cover basic needs of any business house. But even then you may not be sufficiently insured if you are offering some unique service or product. It is also not sufficient if you are shifting your business domain which will lead to change of risks involved and assets probably.

Professional services can be included in this as a professional is someone who sells his expertise and knowledge of some specific area. Like products can cause harm or machinery can get stolen, professionals are prone to make an error or omit something mistakenly which may lead to malfunctioning of services and can bring on a lawsuit. One should be sufficiently covered against this.

Thus, it is very important to know what type of insurance your business needs. Depending on the business domain, you may need commercial liability insurance or an "errors and omissions insurance". It is also important to find the correct insurance agent who can help you with his knowledge and know-how of insurances. Unless you cover your business properly, you are risking not only your business but the dreams and livelihood.

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